Practice Charter

Patient responsibilities

To help us provide a prompt, courteous and efficient service to all, we ask you to:

  • Use our appointment and repeat prescription systems appropriately and responsibly
  • Supply information requested by staff
  • Treat staff with courtesy and respect

Comments, compliments and complaints

We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.

However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.

To pursue a complaint please contact the practice manager who will deal with your concerns appropriately. Further written information is available regarding the complaints procedure from reception.

How we use your data

All data you supply to us is kept confidential. Any information about you, your medical issues or treatment is only ever shared with other healthcare professionals on a ‘need to know’ basis. Information is sometimes shared with NHS management for data audit and planning, and all those who work for the NHS have a duty of confidentiality towards patients.

Zero tolerance

The practice operates a zero tolerance policy regarding the use of bad language, shouting or violence towards any member of staff or other patients.

Practice commitments to IT

New Contractual Requirements for IT/Electronic Patient Records

It is a requirement of the General Medical Services 2014/15 Contract that all GP practices inform their patients of their current status in relation to a number of electronic services:

Electronic Transfer of Patient Records

The practice can confirm that the GP2GP system is already active and used to safely and securely transfer medical records when required.

Electronic Appointment Booking

The practice already provides patients with the ability to request an appointment via a link on the surgery website.  If patients wish to take advantage of this service please speak to a member of staff at Reception.

Electronic Booking of Repeat Prescriptions

The practice already provides patients on long-term medication the option of ordering repeat prescriptions via a link on the surgery website.  If patients wish to take advantage of this service please speak to a member of staff at Reception . Patients can also nominate a Pharmacy for their prescription to be sent to electronically to save collecting from the practice, just ask your Pharmacy or at Reception.

Patient Access to their GP Record

The practice is currently working with its IT system supplier to provide its patients with the ability to view online, save or print any summary of information from their medical records relating to medications, allergies, or adverse reactions.  It is our intention to have this facility available to patients as soon as possible and no later than 31st March 2015.

Summary Care Record

Summary Care Record is an Electronic summary of a patient’s key clinical information.

GP practices are required to provide an automated electronic upload of any changes to a patient’s summary information to the NHS Spine.  The practice is currently working with its IT system supplier to provide this.

The Summary Care Record should only be viewed in emergency or urgent care settings with the explicit consent of the patient unless the patient is unable to give their consent (for example if they are unconscious).

However if you do not want your records to be made available in this way, please complete the Opt Out form available from Reception, and send it to Susan Byrne, Practice Manager so we can update your records.

It is our intention to have this in place as soon as possible and no later than 31st March 2015.